Lessons learned from spot audits by law society

Lessons learned from spot audits by law society

Running a law practice as either sole practitioners or in a small firm is challenging. There are a number of tasks on the list for lawyers to tackle from building/training the support team to handling spot audit from law society. Having helped many lawyers to overcome...
Ways in Financing Your Dream Business

Ways in Financing Your Dream Business

Many clients started their business through purchasing existing businesses. Most of them do not fully understand the options available in negotiating the deals. They are so pleasant to learn that banks are quite encouraging and generous with the lending, particularly...


小商业政府贷款计划,通常也被称为“政府担保贷款计划”。有些人认为贷款是有政府保证的,如果业务失败的话,银行可以向政府索赔,所以银行不会太关心项目的运作前景。这不就是天掉下来的馅饼吗?真的吗?我们在这方面来解释一下。     首先,小商业企业主往往与银行在贷款申请要求,贷款安全性和项目可行性等方面的认知存在差距。虽然是政府担保,但是银行也是利用其商业贷款的模式来管理,比如说, 银行采用与其他商业贷款类似的背景审查,尽职调查和谨慎贷款做法。所以,项目的运作前景以及个人的信用记录都会成为银行审查的一部分。...


许多小企业的老板对商业融资的过程都有一定的了解。当银行经理开始审核贷款申请时,他们对以下几个部分非常感兴趣: 商业计划书 如何稳操胜券,必定从前期计划开始。对企业来说,因为商业计划书可以用于指定开展业务的许多关键方面,所以也是一个非常有效的工具。精心准备的商业计划书同时可以帮助银行经理或贷款方了解当前或未来的任何融资需求,并相应地为融资做准备。 style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid"...
Guides on Business Financing

Guides on Business Financing

The process for securing business financing is quite common to many business owners. When bankers start reviewing the loan application, they are quite interested in a few items as follows: Business plan A business plan is an effective tool for businesses as it...