How to deal with payroll audit from the CRA

Audit are conducted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on an employer’s payroll and employment records as well as other areas like HST. The CRA is responsible for administering tax laws and regulations in Canada, including the collection of payroll taxes. How...
After incorporation what shareholders should do

After incorporation what shareholders should do

After the incorporation of a company, shareholders have various responsibilities and actions they can take. Here are some important steps for shareholders to consider: Review the Articles of Incorporation: Shareholders should familiarize themselves with the...


撰写一份商业计划书可以帮助您明确商业目标、规划战略、吸引投资者、与团队共享愿景以及获得融资。一般来说,写商业计划书有以下几个重要原因: 为制定定义商业目标和战略服务:商业计划书是一个有组织、系统和清晰的文件,它可以帮助您定义您的商业目标、愿景、战略和计划。它可以帮助您思考未来,并规划您的行动方向。 确定商业模型:商业计划书可以帮助您确定您的商业模型,包括收入来源、成本结构和盈利模式。这有助于您理解您的商业模式是否可行、盈利能力如何以及需要哪些资源来支持您的商业模式。...


许多小企业的老板对商业融资的过程都有一定的了解。当银行经理开始审核贷款申请时,他们对以下几个部分非常感兴趣: 商业计划书 如何稳操胜券,必定从前期计划开始。对企业来说,因为商业计划书可以用于指定开展业务的许多关键方面,所以也是一个非常有效的工具。精心准备的商业计划书同时可以帮助银行经理或贷款方了解当前或未来的任何融资需求,并相应地为融资做准备。 style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid"...
Guides on Business Financing

Guides on Business Financing

The process for securing business financing is quite common to many business owners. When bankers start reviewing the loan application, they are quite interested in a few items as follows: Business plan A business plan is an effective tool for businesses as it...


加拿大小生意融资计划(CSBFL)是一项由加拿大政府鼓励金融机构向小企业提供资金的贷款项目。这是由企业与政府方共同分担财务风险(加拿大政府将担保百分之七十五 的违约贷款)。该项目尤其受到初创企业的欢迎。原因在于:一来,申请比较简单; 二来,由于初创企业缺乏信用记录,传统上比较难获得贷款,但这个项企业可以让初创企业在不提供抵押品的情况下迅速拿到贷款资金,启动运作。你不敢相信的是,这个项目在1961年开始运作,已有57年历史了, 当然在这期间,这个项目也经过不少改动。 为什么会有这个小生意贷款项目呢?...